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Text File  |  1984-10-02  |  40KB  |  97 lines

  1. help,Q&A,C language,free,Chasm,bug,public domain,SHELL,key                                                    CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2               81)Public domain C codes, 2)Obtaining Chasm, 3)Bug in "Cursor Tra-ces" letter (Softalk Feb v.2,p.8), 4)Bug in "Behind the Scenes.."article (Softalk Feb v.2,p.120), 5)SHELL/BASIC-to-DOS/keys.      
  2. help,Q&A,BASIC,Chain,Shell,listing,Ctrl-PrtSc,Shift-PrtSc        N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              161)Large BASIC programs/Chain command, 2)DOS commands from BASIC  using Shell command, 3)Code listings from BASIC, 4)Ctrl-PrtSc andShift-PrtSc from BASIC, .....continued to next record.......     
  3. help,Q&A,compiler,BASIC,LST file,error message,password,escape   N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              16....continued from previous record.... 5)Save BASIC code in ASCIIbefore compiling/error messages in .LST file, 6)Password protec- tion/entering escape characters using Debug or BASIC.            
  4. Maynard Electronics,hard disk,review                             K. Goldstein                                 BOARDS AND BUSES-"The Maynard Electronics Ten-Megabyte Hard Disk"Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              20Review of the ten-megabyte hard disk subsystem from Maynard Elec-tronics.                                                                                                                          
  5. company,interview,Davong,Tom Horn,hard disk,board                K. Goldstein                                 "EXEC Davong: Dry Cleaning's Loss is Hardware's Gain"            Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              24Interview with Tom Hong and other executives of Davong Systems,  Inc.                                                                                                                              
  6. DOS 2.0,batch,command,tutorial,echo,for,goto,if,shift,cls        A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "DOS 2.0's Improved Batch Commands"            Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              33Tutorial on the six new commands of DOS 2.0: echo, for, goto, if,shift, and cls.                                                                                                                   
  7. word processor,Wordvision,Word Proof,Bruce & James,IBM,review    T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD - "Wordvision and Word Proof"                 Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              49Review of the word processors: Wordvision (by Bruce & James      Program Publishers) and Word Proof (version 1.0) (by IBM).                                                                        
  8. spreadsheet,Lotus 1-2-3,tutorial,review                          J. Grushcow                                  THE SPREADSHEET GURU - "What Makes 1-2-3 So Good?"               Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              65Overview of Lotus 1-2-3 and the features that have made it so    popular.                                                                                                                          
  9. DR Logo,IBM Logo,Waterloo Logo,PC Logo,review,history,Harvard    M. Bridger                                   "A Review of Four Systems: Logos for the IBM"                    Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              73Review of four versions of Logo currently available for the PC:  DR Logo (Digital Research), IBM Logo, Waterloo Logo (Waterloo    Associates), and PC Logo (Harvard Associates).  Some history too.
  10. PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial,filename,copy                         K. Talley-Jones                              BEGINNERS' CORNER - "Filenames and the Copy Command"             Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              82Tutorial on DOS, aimed at the PCjr owner.  Filenames and the     Copy command are featured this time.                                                                                              
  11. mouse,review,history                                             T. Foth                                      "The Origin, Anatomy, and Varieties of Mus Computeralis: It's....Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              88....the Year of the MOUSE!"    Historical account of mice and    seven reviews: Microsoft Mouse, Hawley X063X, PC Mouse,          OptoMouse, SummaMouse, Keyboard Mouse, and Logimouse.            
  12. BASIC,assembly,GETSPACE,hard disk,tutorial                       H. Glosser                                   "The BASIC Assembly Line: The GETSPACE Routine"                  Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2              97Fifth article in a series showing how to access assembly languageprograms from BASIC.  Subroutine GETSPACE computes the space     available on disk or hard disk.                                  
  13. BASIC,beginner,tutorial                                          J. Dickinson                                 BASICALLY SPEAKING - "Math, Modes, For and Next"                 Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             103Beginning course in BASIC.  This month: math, mode, for, next,   let, cls, clear, list, run, save, load, and syntex errors.                                                                        
  14. engineering,science,8087,chip,tutorial,instruction,benchmark,timeE. Bogucz                                    "The Analytical Engine: The 8087 Instruction Set"                Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             112Second in a series of articles devoted to scientific-engineering applications of the IBM PC.  The 8087 chip discussion is con-    cluded this month with a look at its instruction set.            
  15. C language,tutorial,function,argument,define,call                R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "Defining and Calling Functions"                    Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             122Tutorial on how to define and call functions, plus various mech- anisms used in passing arguments between them.                                                                                    
  16. poll,results,Lotus 1-2-3,WordStar,popularity,survey,statistics   K. Talley-Jones and J. Bradbury              "The Most Popular Software Poll: RESULTS!"                       Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             132The result of this poll showed Lotus 1-2-3 a factor of three     ahead of runner-up WordStar.                                                                                                      
  17. printer,tutorial,Epson MX-80,variable data,command sequence      J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part VI"            Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             140Tutorial on how to use printer features requiring variable data. The complex command sequences available for the Epson MX-80      without Graftrax is featured this month.                         
  18. UCSD Pascal,string,data type,standard,tutorial                   B. Webster and D. Wendt                      PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "The UCSD String Standard"            Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             148Tutorial on data type for strings with the main discussion on theUCSD standard.                                                                                                                    
  19. BASIC,tutorial,peek,poke,keyboard,buffer,shift-key               J. Juhasz                                    THE BASIC SOLUTION - "Peeks and Pokes: Keyboard Status and.......Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             153....Other Bits".   Continuation of last month's tutorial on peeksand pokes.  In particular, a look at the memory byte for the     shift-key status; poke statement for clearing keyboard buffer.   
  20. IBM Portable PC,announcement                                     C. Stinson and J. Dickinson                  IN THE NEWS - "IBM Announces Portable PC"                        Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             157Overview of the IBM Portable PC recently announced.                                                                                                                                                
  21. Lotus,Symphony,announcement                                      C. Stinson and J. Dickinson                  IN THE NEWS - "Lotus `Symphony' Premieres"                       Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             159Overview of recently announced Symphony package by Lotus Develop-ment Corporation.                                                                                                                 
  22. Multi-User dBASE II,Ashton-Tate,announcement                     C. Stinson and J. Dickinson                  IN THE NEWS - "Multi-User dBASE II Unveiled"                     Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             160Overview of recently announced Multi-User dBASE II (by Ashton-   Tate).                                                                                                                            
  23. review,Pack,Crypt,Norell Data Systems,file-compression,encryptionD. Robinson                                  MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Pack & Crypt"                               Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             163Review of the file-compression program called Pack and the file  encryption/description program called Crypt (by Norell Data      Systems).                                                        
  24. review,Realfast 1,GSII,8087,speed,utility,math,FORTRAN           J. Wilschke                                  MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Realfast 1"                                 Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             163Review of Realfast 1 (by GSII)---a software module that inter-   faces to the 8087 numeric coprocessor in order to increase the   speed of mathematical calculations (in FORTRAN).                 
  25. review,Persuasion,Olorin Games                                   D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Persuasion"                                 Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             163Review of Persuasion (by Olorin Games)---a monochrome maze game  for one or two players.                                                                                                           
  26. review,Graphics Utility,Savant Software                          D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Graphics Utility"                           Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             164Review of Graphics Utility (by Savant Software).                                                                                                                                                   
  27. review,game,Ultima II,Lord British,Sierra On-Line                F. Johnson                                   MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Ultima II"                                  Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             165Review of the game Ultima II (by Lord British/Sierra On-Line).                                                                                                                                     
  28. review,game,J-Bird,Orion Software                                F. Johnson                                   MARKETALK REVIEWS - "J-Bird"                                     Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             165Review of the game J-Bird (by Orion Software).                                                                                                                                                     
  29. review,Media Magician,Photon Software,editor,disk                R. Duncan                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Media Magician"                             Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             166Review of Media Magician (by Photon Software)---"a specialized   full-screen editor that allows you to view or directly edit the  contents of any disk sector in either hex or ASCII codes".       
  30. review,game,Backgammon 5.0,Odesta                                T. Datz and F. L. Datz                       MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Backgammon 5.0"                             Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             166Review of the game Backgammon 5.0 (by Odesta).                                                                                                                                                     
  31. Fredkin Foundation,prize,math,computer program,competition                                                    NEWSPEAK - "Cash Award for Math Programs Is Announced"           Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             177A $100,000 prize will be given to anyone who can design a com-   puter code that is capable of making a significant math discov-  ery (sponsored by the Fredkin Foundation of Cambridge, MA).      
  32. photo,show,tour,MicroScapes,high-tech,exhibit                                                                 NEWSPEAK - "High-Tech Photography Exhibit Tours US"              Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             178High-tech photo exhibit (called "MicroScapes: The Hidden Art of  High Technology") is currently making a two-year multi-city tour of the U.S.                                                      
  33. Orwell,1984                                                                                                   NEWSPEAK - "Orwell and Big Brother Are Big Business in 1984"     Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             175Overview of the current popularity of George Orwell's novel 1984,with a look at recent and forthcoming promotionals (e.g., TV,    computer industry, etc.) based on it.                            
  34. assembly,LIST,utility,print,page number,title,tutorial           R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "The LIST Utility"                       Softalk 84/04 Apr v.2             185An assembly language utility called LIST is given that can be    used "to print almost any type of text file---complete with page numbers and an optional title".                                  
  35. help,Q&A,screen save,display,color,monitor,echo off,bsave                                                     CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/05 May v.2               81)Code changes to "Taming the Display Screen" (Softalk, Nov. '83)for using color monitor, 2)Echo off subcommand/unwanted messages,3)Bsave miscellaneous.                                           
  36. help,Q&A,bug,correction,password,BBS,color,monitor,SCREEN,TAB    N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/05 May v.2              181)Corrected version of password program (Softalk, Mar. 1984),    2)BBS software available, 3)Setting colors on monitor (SCREEN),  4)Control character count & TAB command,...cont. to next record..
  37. help,Q&A,time,date,printer,bug,SCRNSAVE,PRINTSW,LPT1,LPT2,switch N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/05 May v.2              18...cont. from previous record.. 5)LPT1 to LPT2 using PRINTSW code(Softalk, Apr. 1984), 6)Bug in SCRNSAVE.COM code (Softtalk, Dec. 1983), 7)Sending date/time to printer,....cont. to next record...
  38. help,Q&A,color,monitor,CLS                                       N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/05 May v.2              18...cont. from previous record.. 8)Detailed description on how to select background and foreground colors such that CLS doesn't    clear to the conventional white on black.                        
  39. Hyperion,Bytec-Comterm,portable,compatible,review                J. Socha                                     "The Hyperion: Fully Portable, Partly Compatible"                Softalk 84/05 May v.2              24Review of the Hyperion portable computer (by Bytec-Comterm, Inc.)                                                                                                                                  
  40. BASIC,beginner,tutorial                                          J. Dickinson                                 BASICALLY SPEAKING - "The BASIC Editor---and Other Subjects"     Softalk 84/05 May v.2              39Beginning course in BASIC.  This month: Learning how to use the  editor provided with BASIC.  Also, single and double precision   numbers, string characters, constants, variables.                
  41. linear programming,operations research,OR,tutorial,optimization  K. Landis                                    MICRO FINANCE - "Linear Programming"                             Softalk 84/05 May v.2              59First in a series under this column dealing with operations re-  search/management science.  This month, linear programming ideas are explained---achieving goals with limited resources.          
  42. user group,club                                                  K. Talley-Jones and J. Varven                "Update 84: User's Do It In Groups"                              Softalk 84/05 May v.2              70A listing of IBM PC-oriented user groups in the U.S. and Canada, with addresses, telephone numbers, meeting times, etc.                                                                            
  43. help,Q&A,bug,patch,correction,SCRNSAVE,debut                                                                  THE PATCH PATCH                                                  Softalk 84/05 May v.2              78Debut of this column devoted to "patches" to programs (submitted by readers).  This month: Modifications to SCRNSAVE program (see Softalk, Dec. 1983).                                             
  44. public domain,free,user-supported,software,debut                 N. Ford                                      THE PUBLIC LIBRARY                                               Softalk 84/05 May v.2              82Debut of column devoted to public domain software.  Programs: SD (or Sdir or Cat), Scrollk, Monoclk/Cgclock, Monblank/Scrnsave,   Comspec4, Flip, and UNWS.  Also, general philosophy discussed.   
  45. word processor,Bank Street,Speller,Broderbund,Hayden,review      T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD                                               Softalk 84/05 May v.2              88Review of the word processor called Bank Street Writer (Broder-  bund Software) and The Speller (Hayden Software).                                                                                 
  46. BASIC,assembly,tutorial,FILEDUMP,screen,display,file             H. Glosser                                   "The BASIC Assembly Line: Dump That File"                        Softalk 84/05 May v.2             102Sixth article in the series, a utility called FILEDUMP is given  for "displaying on-screen any file---including hidden and system files---in either ASCII or hexadecimal format".                  
  47. PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial,copy,erase,wildcard                   K. Talley-Jones                              BEGINNERS' CORNER - "Wildcards, Copy, and Erase"                 Softalk 84/05 May v.2             112Tutorial on DOS, aimed at the PCjr owner.  The use of "wildcards"(i.e., * and ?) is demonstrated with the Copy and Erase commands.                                                                 
  48. DOS 2.0,tutorial,directory,FAT                                   A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "The Directory and FAT under DOS 2"            Softalk 84/05 May v.2             119Tutorial describing the "organization of the directory and the   File Allocation Table (FAT) under DOS 2".                                                                                         
  49. engineering,science,tutorial,8087,chip,support software,review   E. Bogucz                                    "The Analytical Engine"                                          Softalk 84/05 May v.2             122Third in a series of articles devoted to scientific-engineering  applications of the IBM PC.  Programming aids for the 8087 chip  from five companies are reviewed this month.                     
  50. printer,tutorial,variable data,command sequence                  J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "The Intelligent Printer, Part VII"           Softalk 84/05 May v.2             133Continuation of last month's tutorial on using complex command   features requiring variable data.  Methods other than those used with the Epson MX-80 are looked at this month.                   
  51. Framework,Ashton-Tate,announcement                               J. Dickinson                                 IN THE NEWS - "Ashton-Tate Introduces `Framework'"               Softalk 84/05 May v.2             137Overview of Framework, recently announced by Ashton-Tate.                                                                                                                                          
  52. IBM,office automatation,OA,integrate,connectivity,announcement   J. Dickinson                                 IN THE NEWS - "IBM Integrates OA Strategy"                       Softalk 84/05 May v.2             139IBM announced that it is trying to "tie its office automation    product line......into an integrated whole" (they call this      concept "connectivity").                                         
  53. BASIC,test,quiz,tutorial                                         J. E. Volkstorf, Jr.                         "Test Yourself...20 BASIC (and not so basic) Questions"          Softalk 84/05 May v.2             140A quiz is presented for testing your knowledge of interpretive   BASIC (answers provided at the end of article).                                                                                   
  54. C language,tutorial,#define,#include,preprocessor,directive      R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "The C Preprocessor"                                Softalk 84/05 May v.2             146Further investigation of the preprocessor directives: #define and#include.                                                                                                                         
  55. review,Property Management,Continental,income,bookkeeping        R. Jaeschke                                  MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Property Management"                        Softalk 84/05 May v.2             152Review of Property Management (Continental Software), a bookkeep-ing system for residential and commercial income properties.                                                                      
  56. review,Knoware,game,business                                     D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Knoware"                                    Softalk 84/05 May v.2             154Review of Knoware (Knoware Company), which provides "an overview of business applications with a game that is scored by how much  the player learns along the way".                                
  57. review,game,Forbidden Quest,Pryority Software                    D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Forbidden Quest"                            Softalk 84/05 May v.2             156Review of the game called Forbidden Quest (Pryority Software).                                                                                                                                     
  58. World Center for Computers and Human Resources                   D. Hunter                                    NEWSPEAK - "World Center for Computers Focuses on Poorer Nations"Softalk 84/05 May v.2             165The Centre Mondial Informatique et Ressource Humaine (World Cen- ter for Computers and Human Resources), which opened early in    1982, is discussed.                                              
  59. ELT,EPIRB,emergency,location,position,transmitter,airplane,ship  A. Cristie                                   NEWSPEAK - "COSPAS-SARSAT Rescue System Flying High"             Softalk 84/05 May v.2             165Overview of emergency location transmitter (ELT) for airplanes   and the Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB) for   ships.                                                           
  60. ESPRIT,Europe,EEC,competition,R&D                                D. Hunter                                    NEWSPEAK - "The EEC Approves ESPRIT Computer Research Program"   Softalk 84/05 May v.2             168ESPRIT is the name given by the European Economic Community's    five-year program aimed at keeping Europe competitive with the   U.S. and Japan in computer research and development.             
  61. AP,test,exam,Pascal,Advanced Placement,college,high school       J. Greenstein                                NEWSPEAK - "AP Testing for Computer Science Begins This Month"   Softalk 84/05 May v.2             168The first Advanced Placement examination in computer science is  discussed (a Pascal test for high school students),                                                                               
  62. assembly,DUMP,utility,binary,hexadecimal,ASCII,file,tutorial     R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "The DUMP Utility"                       Softalk 84/05 May v.2             175An assembly language utility called DUMP is given that can be    used "to dump the binary contents of a file in both hexadecimal  and ASCII formats".                                              
  63. help,Q&A,NEWKEYS,keyboard,handicapped,parity error,chip,creep                                                 CROSSTALK                                                        Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3               81)Program NEWKEYS/handicapped, 2)Parity 1 error vs. chip "creep" or AST print spooler vs. .... etc.                                                                                                
  64. help,Q&A,COMMAND.COM,hard disk,RAM drive,ON ERROR,BASIC          N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              181)Searching for COMMAND.COM on hard disk in drive C, 2)Disablng  interactive debugging in BASIC with ON ERROR command, 3)Reading  COMMAND.COM from a RAM drive, ....continued to next record.......
  65. help,Q&A,NEC 3500,printer,cursor,RFI,NCI,UCSD p-System,AST,clock N. An
  66. 'Ǫ& `AVpτVp≥                QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              18...cont. from previous record... 4)NEC 3500 printer problems,    5)Blinking cursor hardwired in, 6)NCI version of UCSD p-System & AST clock routine, 7)Radio interference,...cont. to next record..
  67. help,Q&A,Professional Editor,SCRNSAVE,bug,peek,poke              N. Andrews                                   QUESTIONS & ANSWERS                                              Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              18...cont. from previous record... 8)SCRNSAVE bug-solution, 9)Poke and peek (plus some reasons for doing so), 10)Miscellaneous in-  formation about Professional Editor.                             
  68. dyslexia,reading,writing,difficulty,compensatory,aid,tool,insert R. Wanderman                                 "Bridge to Clarity: The Computer as Compensatory Writing Tool"   Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              24Discussion of dyslexia and the use of computers/word processors  as compensatory aids.  [Also, inserts entitled "Compensatory     Software Tools" and "Buffers, Brains, and Computers"].           
  69. dyslexia,reading,writing,difficulty,compensatory,aid,tool,insert R. Wanderman                                 "Compensatory Software Tools"                                    Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              28Insert in "Bridge to Clarity: The Computer as Compensatory Writ- ing Tool" by author, this article describes the main word pro-   cessing tools used by the author.                                
  70. dyslexia,reading,writing,difficulty,learning,disability,insert   R. Wanderman                                 "Buffers, Brains, and Computers"                                 Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              29Insert in "Bridge to Clarity: The Computer as Compensatory Writ- ing Tool" by author, this article discusses learning disabilitiesin terms of hormones, neurons, brains, buffers, and computers.   
  71. C language,tutorial                                              R. Jaeschke                                  THE C SPOT - "Introduction to Pointers"                          Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              34Tutorial on pointers (variables that contain the address of      another variable).                                                                                                                
  72. TVOntario,Bits and Bytes,education,training                      J. Levy                                      "Computer Literacy: Luba Goy and Bill Van Show the Folks in .....Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              44....TV Land".  Description of TVOntario's computer education     series called Bits and Bytes.                                                                                                     
  73. word processor,Volkswriter Deluxe,VW,Panantir,Lifetree,review    T. T. Datz and F. L. Datz                    THE PROCESSED WORD - "Volkswriter Gets a Tune-up, Palantir.......Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              48.....an Update".   Review of Volkswriter Deluxe (Lifetree Soft-  ware) and Palantir, version 2.0 (Palantir Software).                                                                              
  74. bug,solution,KBD_FIX,WRITECOM.BAS,keyboard,buffer,mouse          J. Socha                                     "Cleanup Time: A Revised (Mouseworthy) Keyboard Buffer"          Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              69Cleaning up some minor problems in programs presented earlier:   KBD_FIX (Softalk, Nov. 1983) and WRITECOM.BAS (Softalk, Feb.     1984).                                                           
  75. education,training,Writing To Read,IBM                           R. White                                     "Writing To Read: 25,000 Kids Help IBM Test Unconventional.......Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              76....Learning Theory".   Overview of the IBM educational program  called Writing To Read and an interview with teachers in Florida and Houston who are using it.                                    
  76. BASIC,beginner,tutorial,gas mileage,automobile,car               J. Dickinson                                 BASICALLY SPEAKING - "Basic Car Care"                            Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              87Beginning course in BASIC.  This month: A program is created thattracks a car's gas mileage and rates its performance in that     area.                                                            
  77. public domain,free,user-supported,software                       N. Ford                                      THE PUBLIC LIBRARY                                               Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3              98General discussion on "making your program available".  Programs this month: HC.com, LoRes, List.com, ST.com, Re-View, Cat.com,   Util.com, Undo.bas, Lu.com, DDate.com, GCopy, GDel, & 123Prep.exe
  78. help,Q&A,disk,drive,step rate,ProKey,scroll,Whereis.com,Typeface                                              THE PATCH PATCH                                                  Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             104Shortening the DOS 2.0 "step rate" parameter, 2)Using ProKey to  input commas/tabs in data statements, 3)Scroll-stop addition to  Whereis.com, 4)Running Microsoft's Word with Typefaces.          
  79. Turbo Pascal,IBM,benchmark,speed                                 B. Webster and D. Wendt                      PASCAL FROM BEGIN TO END - "Turbo Revisited"                     Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             108Interesting comments from a reader (H. Lynch) point out some of  the nice features of Turbo over IBM Pascal....but also point out that it is slower during execution.  Benchmarks are discussed.   
  80. engineering,science,tutorial,8087,chip,BASIC                     E. Bogucz                                    "The Analytical Engine"                                          Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             116Fourth in a series of articles devoted to scientific-engineering applications of the IBM PC.  This month: Products that make BASICbetter suited for science and engineering.                       
  81. PCjr,beginner,DOS,tutorial,ver,vol,date,time,cls,type            K. Talley-Jones                              BEGINNERS' CORNER - "Fun and Useful DOS Commands"                Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             126Tutorial on DOS, aimed at the PCjr owner.  This month: ver, vol, date, time, cls, and type commands are discussed.                                                                                 
  82. printer,tutorial,interface,driver                                J. Dickinson                                 THE PRINTED WORD - "Printer Interfaces"                          Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             129Discussion of printer interfaces available in software packages--also known as printer drivers to "reflect the fact that they     drive, or command, the printer's built-in computer".             
  83. linear programming,Applied Operations Research,OR,LPMaster       K. Landis and M. Herbers                     MICRO FINANCE - "Linear Programming, Part II: LPMaster"          Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             133Second in a series on operations research, this article considersmanagement issues involved in solving a linear programming pro-  blem.  Program LPMaster (Applied Operations Research) is used.   
  84. DOS 2.0,tutorial,installable device drivers,ANSI.SYS             A. Boyd                                      SYSTEM NOTEBOOK - "Installable Device Drivers: An Introduction...Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             136.....to Ansi.sys".   Tutorial on installable device drivers,     which allow the user to attach "foreign" (non-IBM) hardware de-  vices to the IBM PC that function under DOS.                     
  85. MSA/Peachtree,Decision Manager,announcement                      J. Dickinson                                 IN THE NEWS - "A Peachtree Grows in Manhattan (and Santa Monica)"Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             140Announcement by MSA/Peachtree of Decision Manager---the "flagshipproduct of the new line".                                                                                                         
  86. Phoenix Software,ROM BIOS,compatible,OEM,manufacture,chip        J. Dickinson                                 IN THE NEWS - "Phoenix Software Offers ROM BIOS to OEMs"         Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             142Phoenix Software announces "PC-Compatible ROM BIOS", a product   described as "a totally PC-compatible operating system".  Avail- able to OEM's for manufacture of PC-compatible computers.        
  87. review,Job Cost,BPI Systems,estimation,bidding,business          D. J. Ascoli                                 MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Job Cost for the IBM PC"                    Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             143Review of Job Cost (BPI Systems), a job-costing system that      "simplifies job estimation and bidding and provides many useful  reports to track job costs".                                     
  88. review,game,Galactic Gladiators,Strategic Simulations            F. Johnson                                   MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Galactic Gladiators"                        Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             143Review of the game called Galactic Gladiators (Strategic Simu-   lations).                                                                                                                         
  89. review,Multi-Job,Starware,multitask,utility                      D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Multi-Job"                                  Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             144Review of Multi-Job (Starware), a "multitasking program that     permits the PC to run up to nine programs at once".                                                                               
  90. review,c-window,c-systems,C language,utility,tool,debug          R. Jaeschke                                  MARKETALK REVIEWS - "c-window"                                   Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             144Review of c-window (c-systems), a "tool for testing and debuggingC programs at the source level".                                                                                                  
  91. review,Financial Planning for Multiplan,Expert Systems,template  M. C. Herbers                                MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Financial Planning for Multiplan and .......Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             145....the IBM PC".   Review of Financial Planning for Multiplan andthe IBM PC (Expert Systems)---"eighteen Multiplan template files to handle elementary and frequently used financial formulas".    
  92. review,Leading Effectively,Thoughtware,training,management       T. L. Bever                                  MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Leading Effectively"                        Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             146Review of Leading Effectively (Thoughtware), a flexible training package "designed to be used by individuals or teams" interested in improving their management style.                             
  93. review,Colorgraphy,Cactus Software,graphics,editor               T. V. Bonoma                                 MARKETALK REVIEWS - "Colorgraphy"                                Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             147Review of Colorgraphy (Cactus Software), a color/graphics editor.                                                                                                                                  
  94. assembly,tutorial,shifts,rotates,instructions,slide,bit          R. Duncan                                    THE RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE - "Shifts and Rotates"                     Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             154Tutorial on shifts and rotates---instructions that have the pro- perty of sliding a value to the left or right through one or morebit postions.                                                    
  95. sushi bar,food,cafe,restaurant,Sun Atom Co.,Mi-Com               J. Greenstein                                NEWSPEAK - "Computerized Sushi Bars to Appear in U.S. This Fall" Softalk 84/05 May v.2             167Customers can place their orders via light pen and monitor in    sushi bars---soon to open in the U.S. (Sun Atom Co.) using the   Mi-Com system.                                                   
  96. MetaWindow,Megagraphics,utility,review                           D. Crayne                                    MARKETALK REVIEWS - "MetaWindow"                                 Softalk 84/06 Jun v.3             148Review of MetaWindow (Metagraphics), a sophisticated package of  "graphics procedures....that can be interfaced with Pascal, C, orthe Macro Assembler to create graphics programs".                
  97. \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       \